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School Council

Our school council members are pupils from across the school who have been elected by their peers to present the views and opinions of the pupils to the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, Senior Leadership Team and Governors. They are elected on an annual basis and work alongside Mrs Mac Labhrai the School Council Lead, to develop projects within school. 

By sharing the views and opinions of their classmates with Mrs Mac Labhrai, teaching staff and The Senior Leadership Team, Holy Rood School Council members have the opportunity to develop their own communication, listening, organisational and teamwork skills, as well as taking responsibility for class and whole school projects.

The school council team meet regularly throughout the term and also are given time during whole school assemblies to share ideas and engage the wider school in their projects.

Meet our School Council Members

School Council Members for 2023/2024

Our new school council members will be elected in the first few weeks of school by their peers. Checkback soon to find out who they are!


Class elections will be held every year so that different representatives can put forward their names and so that multiple children are able to experience this role. Children in each class then vote for who they would like as their representative. 

What have the Holy Rood school Council Members done so far this year? 

Updates arriving soon once the new school council have been elected. 

Keep checking back for more updates on our Holy Rood School Council members hard work!

What did the Holy Rood school Council Members do last year? 

 New school council members were elected by their peers in September. 

School council members, with the support of one our school House Captains, created poster about saving energy within out school including and sharing top tips. These were displayed around the school to encourage all pupils and staff to be more aware of conserving energy and looking after our planet.

In February, Watford councillor, Mark Watkin, visited our school. He came to meet our pupil school council team. Arranged by Mr. Kennedy, he met with the children to talk to them about his role as a councillor in Watford. The children were extremely intrigued to learn more about the responsibilities that Mark upholds within our community.


The school council team also discussed with Mark the initiatives we as a school are carrying out such as ‘keeping our school green’. This has involved children making posters for their classes and applying to the council to have compost bins in the playground. The children thoroughly enjoyed their meeting with Mark.


Councillor Mark Watkin has visited our school already this year and we are grateful to him for the work he does and the time and care he puts into helping and supporting our school. Thank you also to Mr Kennedy for organising this for our pupil school council team.


The school council also worked to review our school's curriculum, suggest clubs and after school opportunities they want to see and were the voice of the pupils when we arranged and planned whole school events.